
5 Telltale Signs That Your Dog Loves You

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today we are reminded to turn to the ones we love and remind them that our love is pure and ever lasting.  Valentine’s Day is a day when people open their hearts – and let’s face it – wallets, to create an atmosphere of romance and appreciation for the ones we’re with.   The most romantic thing I’ve ever heard actually came from my father when he expressed his feelings about Valentines Day. He said he didn’t need a special day to show his wife that he loved her because true love meant he strove to show her everyday through his actions.  After a few years of marriage I heard my husband profess the same words (a sure sign I had made a good choice!).  When we talk about what is truly meaningful in life, you don’t get any deeper or more sincere than this, but hey, it’s nice to get flowers once in a while.

Valentines day is not limited to us bipeds, oh no it is not!  Anyone with a furry friend knows true love as well and because pooches are pooches, they know it too!  They  may even know better than we do, although we may not express it in the same way.  I am positive that there are pet parents from all around going out of their way to show their pup that they are their Valentine of choice.

We know we love our pups, but how do we know they love us?  Here are 5 telltale signs that your furry BFF is in love with you:

  1. The Tail Wag
    • Obvious and well known.  Nothing like a tail wag that says I’m happy to see  you.  I am also happy with the belly rub, treat, pet and adulation.
  1. They Follow You Around
    • My dog loves me for sure.  I have a constant second shadow and I’m pretty sure I’ve tripped over his love several times.
  1. Jumping On You
    • I am assaulted every day when I walk through the door.  Even before I walk through the door, Titan can sense me coming he jumps and pounds on the door.  His love is overflowing.
  1. Sleeps With You
    • I personally have a strict “no dogs upstairs” policy but many people love it when their pups crawl into bed and get cozy with them.  I think that’s a great sign of bonding, warmth and willingness to protect and belong as part of the pack!
  1. Roughhouses and Plays With You
    • Ya! Let’s play!  Nothing says I love you like being part of something and feeling included especially in games of agility, power and speed and, um, belly rubs?  My husband is Titans playmate for sure.

To all you pet parents and loved pups out there, happy Valentine’s Day!  Let us also remember those pups that are without owners who need a loving home.   They are bundles of love on four legs whose mission in life is to love someone.  Who else can say that of their purpose in life?




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