
Happy One-Month Anniversary Toronto Dog Spot!

One month ago, my husband and I embarked on a blogventure! Our idea was to share our love for dogs with the Toronto community and put together an online resource of news, events, services and reviews for the greater Toronto area. In this month we’ve learned a lot, most importantly that Toronto has a great number of dog owners that have welcomed us with open arms. We ran our first contest where we gave away ten Woofstock tickets on Facebook and three on Instagram. Combined we had over 500 participants and we had the pleasure of meeting some of our winners at Woofstock.

Writing is new to me and when we began this venture, I was not sure if I could sit down and write about dog topics. But, the more I began writing about Titan and his adventures (remember the chocolate covered almond incident), the more I realized I had found a new passion. I’ve learned so much through my research and my time as Titan’s pet-parent. Being a busy mom, blogging seemed like it was going to be just another chore. But, the more I wrote and shared my thoughts, the more it actually felt like relaxing therapy. It became my sacred “me” time.

My favourite blogs so far are the ones where we get to interview a company. I love discovering their story and the heart that went into building important outlets for the pet community. Dog people are the best!

Our one month blog-a-versary also marks our six month anniversary with Titan! We look forward to sharing news, events, our stories and experiences as Titan, and Toronto Dog Spot continue to grow! Our Instagram followers have been amazing, as we’ve grown to over 1500 followers in just one month with winning segments such as “Dog of the Day “and” Happy Birthday shoutouts. Thanks to everyone for your continued support as we grow on , and Instagram. If you don’t follow us already, please do so on Facebook and Instagram!




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