Wienerfest is a success! Wow! I’ve never seen so many wieners racing about! Thanks to Linda Collier, another Wienerfest was pulled off without a hitch on June 24th. The weather held it together and the sun shone brightly with a great breeze throughout the day, which made being outdoors tolerable for all the pups including Titan, my “bear”, Berner. I had never been to Embro, Ontario, but was pleasantly surprised with the vast greenery, space and quietness of it all. The venue was super spacious to accommodate all the visitors, vendors and all you little wieners out there who came to participate and make the day great!
It was nice to see an array of vendors (over 100 in total!) that not only sold pup related regalia and products but also organic luxuries and nick knacks for adults. I know this was a Dachshund day, but I had a great time shopping too (sorry babe – know I was suppose to be working, but I got a little sidetracked!).
The event wasn’t without its entertainment such as music and Doxie dress-up (OMG I just died when I saw the little baseball-type caps for the pups…died!), but the highlight for me was seeing the wiener races with various heaps of Dachshund’s bolting for the finish line. A round of “pupplause” to our biggest wiener winner! (see video below).
Of course, there was more to celebrate than just the dashing little Dachshunds, as everyone was in the spirit of Canada day. Proudly wearing red and white, guests from all around gathered to take an aerial pic of our True North flag showing not only how proudly Canadian we are but also how proud we all are of our wieners.

If you are a repeat guest, this year you would have said goodbye to the original Wienermobile; that old 2003 Chrysler Intrepid that has been gloriously wallpapered with doggie advertisements. Wienerfest 2017 was it’s Rainbow Bridge send off, but hopefully we will see the new Dachshund doonbuggy next year!

All in all this event was beautifully organized; food carts, ATM’s, watering spots, shopping, shade and play for bipeds and quadrupeds, this was an event to remember. Thank you Linda – can’t wait to see what you have planned for us next year!