I’m sure you have heard of the term “dog person”. People say they are dog people or such-and-such is a dog person. Other than liking dogs or having a preference for dogs over cats, I never really gave it much thought until I started attending dog events and meeting other pet parents. The term, as I discovered, actually goes a lot deeper. Pardon the pup-pun, but I think dog people are a different breed of humanity. It takes a special heart to love beyond what is like you or a being not one of your own. Dog people have this special connection. I have seen it time and again on simple walks, at special pup events, fundraisers and awareness shows; that special connection and energy that flows between a pet parent and his furry friend. It is a true bond between souls.
On a Mission to Rescue Pups
It’s not surprising that when we discovered Black Dog Rescue, an animal rescue operation that their mantra is to make a difference in this world, one dog at a time. Since 2015, Black Dog Rescue has been run by a group of three directors and a dedicated group of volunteers. They set out to dispel any prejudice against black dogs which get overlooked for lighter coloured dogs (I DID NOT know that prejudice existed towards animals as well…wow); hence their name. Black Dog Rescue does not discriminate against colour, breed or age and they want to spread the word and educate the public about this disparity.
BDR has come to be quite a success story since their inception. To date, over 55 lives have been saved through their initiative, which is very impressive since they are 100% foster based and volunteer run. Many of their rescues come from communities in northern Quebec who have difficulty in controlling their dog population. These pups suffered the elements and were forced to fend for themselves under harsh conditions and perilous danger from predators. Through donations and fundraising, they are able to provide veterinary services to look after all these pups. This includes vetting, vaccinations, spay/neutering and micro-chipping. If you want a more economical way of welcoming a pup into your home, a rescue may be the way to go, as opposed to a breeder, where you’d have to cover the cost of these things yourself.
Fostering and Adopting a Pup

They have both a foster and adoptive process to find loving homes for these once forsaken furry balls of love. They currently have 10-12 foster homes running at all times until the right loving family is found and the dogs can be placed in their forever home. Interested in fostering a pup? Much like fostering a child, you agree to take the pup into your home and love and care for it until a suitable adoption can be arranged. You will train, guide and socialize the dog and everything you would need to keep it healthy and have it feel right at home will be provided to you by BDR including support, tips and tools from behavioral issues to nutritional guidance.
Getting A Four-Legged Friend from Rescue to Home
I am very impressed at the adoption process! On their website they have listed dogs available for adoption (as well as those that have been successfully adopted) with a little blurb about each one. Very cute! If you are interested in seeing the pups that need a home, once a month BDR goes out to local Pet Values with as many pups as they can to bring awareness to the public. If your heart is telling you to rescue a furry quadruped, you will need to fill out an application, which is followed up by a phone interview. The BDR team is always in close communication with the foster families so they have a good idea about the dogs’ temperament and spirit so they can find which pup would be a good fit for you! The next step would be a home visit with your household to get to know you better. Lastly, a meet and greet with the dog and foster family will cinch if you and the pup are a perfect match. This whole process could be as quick as 7-10 days!
Despite having full time jobs and running this big-hearted venture in their spare time, they still find it important to give back to the community. They will provide necessities such as food and bedding for pet owners in local homeless shelters in the GTA. They work with homeless shelters to arrange for vetting and any other care for pets who are owned by people in need who are experiencing difficulty in taking care of their pets. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a great way to be in–the-know with all the great initiatives and events this Tri-Doggie-Diva team has on the go!
If you think you are a “dog person”, and have the time and energy to love a being that lives to love you unconditionally, go to www.blackdogrescue.ca. You may just be a pup’s forever home.
Toronto Dog Spot is proud to be the Official Blog Partner of Black Dog Rescue. We will be sharing their dogs who are available for rescue every week!