
A Look at Toronto’s Newest Cool Dog Fountain at Berczy Park

Calling all Torontonian pups and pet-parents


to the new Berczy Park!  More and more there’s a push in our building dominated city for more space to relax, walk, socialize or just watch the world go by.  That space is located near Church and Front Streets near the “Flatiron” Gooderham Building downtown; it may not be green space but it surely has added to the city’s landscape.  This fountain offers an intriguing sense of light-hearted fun; a nice distraction when you want to escape the rat race at the end of the day.  Claude Cormier is the architect responsible for the vision of this giant canine monument.  On June 28th, this new T.O. iconic masterpiece was unveiled for the pleasure of both locals and tourists to enjoy and walk about with their furry four-legged friends.  Those involved in bringing this marvel to fruition are estimating 2000 dog visits per day!!!

What makes this fountain so great?  Well, it appeals to dog lovers but also to our dogs- for sure!  (There are some great pics on Instagram with doggie reactions to these hand sculpted look-a-likes!)  It is a dedicated monument to our best pals that are surrounding a giant fountain (or water bowl if you will) with streams of water shooting out of their mouths and paying homage to a large bone up in the sky.  (I guess in doggie heaven the bones would be that big!)   There is also one lone kitty and a few birds to show that, hey, we can all get along and be together in the same park.  Kudos to using architecture to send a lovely message of inclusion! By night, the fountain lights up beautifully and becomes a visually stunning piece that adds to the aura of the bustling night culture.

Have you seen Berczy Park?  Did you know that there are 27 dogs and 1 cat? What does your pooch think of this doggie obelisk?




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