As many of you have seen in the media, especially in the United States, everyone is excited about the eclipse. Although the phenomenon is a super cool feat of nature, there are is a major rule one must follow – protect your eyes! It is not safe to look at the eclipse until the sun is fully covered by the moon. Looking during partial coverage can still cause serious eye damage and eye protection should be worn to avoid this. Although some of us will still try and sneak a peak, should we be concerned about our furry friend’s peepers?
Well, according to some online explanations, your pup doesn’t normally look at the sun regardless, so it is unlikely that they will take a peak during the special spectacle. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have protective peeper wear for your pups, just in case.
But while the humanoids will be turning up to the sky to see the wonders of nature, most likely your pup will be busy doing what they do best, sniffing around, tugging at your shirt for a walk, trying to get that last morsel of a treat from their Kong or taking an afternoon nap. The eclipse, that will be primarily prominent in the United States, will draw thousands to the streets in droves. There is quite a bit of hype surrounding the event and the American media has made a good show of it all with all the media coverage. But while human curiosity knows no bounds, don’t fret about your little pet. They will go about their business as usual.
Be safe and keep your eyes covered!